Saturday, February 16, 2013

This is our story.

Stories are, in my opinion, what connects human beings every where. It is how we know each other, it is how we know our past. It is the most powerful teaching tool we have. Stories are important, they engage our brains and capture our attention. Stories, fact or fiction have the power to change lives. They can teach, encourage, engage & inspire people. Stories weave society together, it is how we relate to each other as human beings, despite our difference. It's the moment when you discover, 'oh that person went through this too' or 'I thought I was the only one who thought that'. It's a beautiful thing. That's what we are about telling stories, sharing experiences & creating a lasting legacy. 

We have many stories to tell. This blog will follow many of them, mostly it has to do with our journey through the NICU with our 27 week preemie son. Spending those long 65 days alone in the NICU we tried reaching out and found comfort in hearing the stories of other parents. It was a beautiful experience. 

Thanks for visiting our blog. This experience has been a crazy journey for us. We have plunged head first into a crazy ride, where nothing is guaranteed and every day holds a different problem to be solved. But it is all part of the process. These are our stories from the NICU and the things we have learned from being blessed with a beautiful baby boy, who just happens to be very small. :)

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